Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike. Ross tracks down Mike later to explain why Phoebe was so disturbed, but just makes things worse with a fictional story about a six-year relationship she had. Chandler has to stay the weekend in Tulsa, so Monica flies there to surprise him. He's watching porn when she arrives, but he changes the channel quickly, which makes her think he gets off to shark documentaries. Joey meets a hot woman (Hayley) and starts dating her, but he recognizes her apartment and thinks he's slept with her before. She obviously doesn't remember it so he finally confronts her about it, only to find out he previously dated her roommate.
Joey: Look, I don't normally ask out women that I meet in coffee houses.
Gunther: Ha!
Joey: Gesundheit.
Joey: But, uh...
Hayley: I would love to go out with you.
Joey: Really? Great. Did I... Did I actually ask you?
Hayley: Oh, um, that's just where you were going. I figured I'd help you out. You don't seem like the kind of guy who does
this alot.
Gunther: Ha!
Joey: Seriously, Gunther, you should see someone about that cold. If it gets much worse, you could die!
Rachel: Guys are just different. They like things that we can't understand. You know, I once dated this guy who wanted
to pretend that he was an archeologist, and that I was this naughty cave women who he unfroze from a block of ice.
Monica: Oo, are you talking about my brother?
Rachel: Yeah, I didn't disguise that very well, did I.
Monica: Joey, you don't think sharks are sexy do you?
Joey: No. Wait a minute, wait. What was the little mermaid?