Rachel packs her things and moves to Ross's apartment. Once there, she intercepts a phone call from Ross's lawyer revealing they're still married. Phoebe's psychic tells her she's going to die this week. Ross becomes a guest lecturer at NYU. He's so worried his presentation won't go well that he panics and presents it with an phony English accent. Joey's medical benefits lapse because he hasn't done enough acting recently. He contacts his agent, Estelle (who mistakenly believes he'd gone to another agent), to arrange for some auditions. He gets a severe hernia before auditioning, but refuses to go to the hospital until he has insurance again.
Joey: Oh, I can't believe this! This sucks! When I had insurance, I
could get hit by a bus or catch on fire, you know? And it wouldn't matter.
Now I gotta be careful?
Chandler: I'm sorry man. There's never a good time to...stop catching on fire.
Ross: I knew all I had to do was let the material speak for itself.
Everyone was all, "Ross you have to be funny and sexy." Well, I proved them
wrong! And now I'm gonna pass the news onto Joey and Chandler.
Monica: That you're not funny or sexy?
Ross: That's right!
Rachel: Oh, hey, look! There's some Kappa Kappa Deltas! I was a Kappa!
Hey sisters!
[no response]
Rachel:Wow, we really are bitches.
Chandler: Listen, I'm really glad you got the part.
Joey: Thanks.
Chandler: But are you sure you can do this?
Joey: Yeah! And hey, thanks for coming with me. And thanks again for
helping me take a shower.
Chandler: Now is that, "never talking about it again?"