An episode you'll never see: The One For The X-Files
Ross and Rachel are about to get back together, but are suddenly abducted by aliens.....
Photo taken at precise moment spaceship appears.
  • Rachel realizes aliens look like Mr. Potato Head.
  • Ross dates alien chick called "Rachem", who likes to talk dirty. They get into the dirty-talking thing--there's a theme, a motif... at one point, there's even Venusians.
  • Mothership is shaped like Saks Fifth Avenue.
  • Phoebe sings the correct tones of LA LA LA LA LA to signal spaceship to appear.
  • Chandler scores with alien chick, who has to bite her post-dorsal flange in order to stop from screaming Zorgiff's name.
  • Joey defeats invasion force by spraying "Hombre" in their eyes.
  • Mr. Heckles is actually alive and passing intelligence on to the aliens. However, without his "Big Book of Grievances" his most valueable information is unavailable.
  • Monica cleans up alien engine room, resulting in 20% increased engine efficiency. Aliens hire her to write "How to serve humans", a cookbook. However, her recipes flop (she uses Mockolate) and the aliens leave her stranded between the moon and New York City. (I know it's crazy. But its true.)
  • Sculley finally finds out about Mulder's big crush on her just as he begins new relationship with old school-mate. What? Uhhh.... crystal duck?